General Dentistry

General Dentistry

Teeth Cleaning

No matter how often you brush and floss, plaque and tartar deposits can still build up on your teeth. A professional teeth cleaning is the single most effective way to remove these deposits and prevent them from causing more serious problems in the future. While traditional teeth cleaning involves manually scraping away these deposits with special dental tools, advances in dental technologies now give you more options for teeth cleanings.

A deep cleaning may be recommended if excessive plaque and tartar deposits have developed below the gum line. Deep cleanings, also known as scaling and root planing, involve a two-part process: first, the stubborn deposits are removed, and then the root surfaces are smoothened. A deep cleaning helps prevent periodontal disease and restores gum tissues to a healthy state.

Root Canals

During a Root Canal treatment, our doctors will extract decayed pulp from the central part of the tooth, reshape the canal and replace it with strengthening filler. A cavity is the result of superficial decay of the enamel of the tooth. Left long enough, this decay can burrow into the deeper reaches of the tooth causing extensive damage to the tooth structure. When the damage goes beyond what can be treated with a filling, our doctors can perform a Root Canal (Endodontic Treatment), preserving the tooth and retaining its original integrity; thereby, saving a tooth that in the past would have to have been pulled.

Our doctors utilize the most current technology to ensure that your root canal procedure is quick and painless.


Oral Surgery and extractions is a common procedure with our doctors! Now the question here is, should you have your wisdom teeth removed?

At our office, we offer wisdom teeth extractions and consultations. In this exam, a specific type of x-ray will be taken so that our doctors can diagnose the type of extractions needed, and to verify if indeed the patient needs their wisdom teeth removed. When the wisdom teeth erupt aligned properly and the gum tissue is healthy sometimes they do not have to be removed, however, that's not the case many times. Some are prevented from erupting within the mouth due to the position they are in. Some may grow sideways, partially emerge from the gum, or may even be trapped beneath the gum and bone. The impacted teeth can many times be in various positions in the bone as they attempt to find a pathway that will allow them to successfully erupt. The reason why you would need to extract teeth is due to the position of the teeth. If the tooth is partially erupted the opening around the teeth will allow bacteria to grow causing infection. The infection will cause swelling, pain, and illness. The pressure from the erupting teeth many times moves the remaining teeth and disrupts the alignment of teeth. Other problems may occur, that is why removal of wisdom is highly suggested to avoid future problems and to decrease surgical risk.

Sedation Dentistry

Ever wish you could sail through dental visits without anxiety or fear? Would you rather endure an agonizing toothache than go to the dentist? Answering "yes" to these questions could mean that you're a perfect candidate for sedation dentistry. With sedation dentistry, you can forget about fear and focus on pure relaxation.

There are different levels of sedation to accommodate every patient. Minimal sedation involves inhaling nitrous oxide ("laughing gas"). Nitrous oxide helps you relax and wears off quickly. Conscious sedation is a moderate level of sedation that causes drowsiness and is taken in pill form. Unlike other types of sedation such as general anesthesia, which renders patients completely unconscious, oral conscious sedation leaves you able to speak and breathe on your own. Although you will not actually be asleep, you will enjoy a heightened state of relaxation and probably won't remember much about the procedure afterward. It will all feel like a dream! The medications will put you at ease so you experience little to no discomfort.

White Fillings

The concept of a “filling” is replacing and restoring your tooth structure that is damaged due to decay or fracture with a material. We will replace old, broken-down amalgam/metal fillings that contain traces of mercury with white fillings (composites) to restore your smile and teeth to a more natural look and feel.

With today’s advancements, no longer will you have to suffer the embarrassment of unsightly and unhealthy silver/mercury fillings or metal margins of the past. Eliminate the dark, black appearance in your teeth with new-age, state-of-the-art, tooth-colored resin or porcelain materials.

Comparing White Fillings versus Silver Amalgam Fillings:

  • White fillings bond to the tooth; they strengthen the tooth by restoring most of its original shape. Silver amalgams, on the other hand, weaken the teeth and make them more susceptible to breaking. Broken teeth can be very expensive to replace; white fillings can actually save time and money in the long run.
  • White filling composites are preferred by most patients. This is due to the natural color, strength, and overall appearance and feel. Composites are naturally more comfortable.
  • Hot and cold sensitivity is greatly reduced with composite material compared to the silver/mercury amalgams.
  • Restorations with composites require less removal of a tooth, less structure to place than those with amalgams, and especially with new cavities. Dramatically smaller holes are needed with a composite.
  • White fillings are healthier because no traces of mercury are used, unlike silver amalgams.


Call us  (760) 529-5339 or schedule an online appointment with Dr. Vasquez for a consultation at our office in Oceanside, CA. 

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Oceanside, CA

3601 Vista Way Ste 105, Oceanside, CA 92056


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  • MON8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • FRI8:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • SATClosed
  • SUNClosed
(760) 529-5339